Sunday, April 24, 2011

Obama's birth place

Not sure why there is so much talk and debate about Obama's birth place...

Check out this article:

Obama's isle birth is easily verified, but few check
Update Wednesday, April 27th 12:26 pm


  1. This ongoing debate is ridiculous. What's the point of arguing now, after 2 years in office? If this was a serious issue, someone would/should have brought it up during election season!

  2. Yes, the Administration just released his long-form birth certification today. I saw Pres. Obama on MSNBC discussing it. Honestly, I think this whole issue is quite lame and unfounded. I mean, no matter your politics and whether you agree with him, you should at least have the faith and confidence that our president was born in this country. Jeffrey Toobin on CNN the other day described the people making these claims perfectly when he said they are two things: “bigots and crazy.”

    And I think that’s honestly what it’s about, just because we have a black president from a diverse upbringing ignorant people find that a reason to question his citizenship and thus the legitimacy of his presidency. If McCain would have won, I can bet you nobody would questioning where he was born. In fact, isn’t that funny that while McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone nobody questioned whether that was legit, then you have Pres. Obama who was clearly born in Hawaii and people are questioning that. I think these Republican Birthers and Tea Partiers are definitely racially motivated. Get it over it. We have a black president. Accept it!

  3. Hey, here's a link to a great article covering this:
