Sunday, May 8, 2011

Yet another protest

Protestors gathered at Waikiki Beach yesterday to rally against Kyo-ya Hotels' plan to redevelop the Diamond Head Tower at the Moana Surfrider Resort.
"If they put up big buildings and block access and there's no sands, what's gonna be left for our kids?" asked Scott Naguwa of Surfrider Spirit Sessions, which teaches kids how to surf at the beach.
I understand the protestors' concerns about the tower being too tall and too close to the beach. And they may very well be right about this project.

But I don't agree with the general mindset of not developing Oahu. Yes, we definitely need to take care of our precious environment - but we also need to develop Oahu and keep our economy going strong. The neighbor islands should be kept in their pristine condition. But Oahu is already urbanized, and as the financial center of the state, it can't be like the neighbor islands.

Read more about the story here: Environmentalists rally against proposed beach hotel tower

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