Monday, May 9, 2011

A hui hou!

I had a lot of fun maintaining this blog over the course of the semester - I hope you enjoyed my perspective and found at least some of my posts interesting. =)

Hopefully I will continue with this blog, but just a head's up that I will disappear for at least a little while, as I finish up my final exams, take care of several things before I fly out of LA, and head back to the islands for the first part of summer vacation.

I can't wait to go home!
This is my laptop wallpaper - a picture I took of Hanauma Bay, which is about 5 minutes from my house

So for now...

(Until we meet again, take care)

Mahalo! =)


  1. What an amazing shot! I can’t believe that is only 5 minutes away from your house. I’ve visited Hawaii once with my family and did all the tourist things but I couldn’t imagine living there all the time—I don’t think I would get anything productive done when the weather is ideal and the beaches are so perfect. I’m extremely envious of how you live in your very own paradise and I’m dying to visit again sometime soon.

  2. I love checking out your blog on all things Hawaii. It made me miss Hawaii a lot! I just went there for Spring Break and man, your posts made me see beyond my touristy goggles and appreciate and understand Hawaii even more.
